Lightning Reports

A project manager’s status report in under ten minutes – Surely not!

This app was to be disruptor in the marketplace, it needed to be eye-catching and look good. (which, at the time, many of it’s competitors simply didn’t)

Polarisoft logo
Status Report preview screen
Status Report preview screen

Lightning Reports

A project manager’s status report in under ten minutes – Surely not!

This app was to be disruptor in the marketplace, it needed to be eye-catching and look good. (which, at the time, many of it’s competitors simply didn’t)

Polarisoft logo

Could we take one tool from an enterprise level platform and role it out as a separate product? The outcome was quite surprising and lead to a full re-architecture of its bigger sister and the beginning of a four year journey.

Lightning Reports Login Screens

I helped this Organisation transition from an IT consultancy to a fully fledged software company

Transformation diagram

I helped this Organisation transition from an IT consultancy to a fully fledged software company

Transformation diagram

The Team

Head of innovation
Stephen Brown

Jacky Lam

Mingkit Wong

The Channels



Project managers need to make regular status reports. Unless they are all using the same tools or templates to create them, they will be inconsistent both in data integrity and look and feel. This can lead to delays in business decisions as data isn’t trusted. Create an app that will solve this in 10mins.


​We created Lightning Reports. With its step-by-step process, each report is created quickly, accurately and consistently. The more you use it, the more you are using derived data with less cutting and pasting so data is trusted, resulting in beautiful reports in PDF or PPT formats.​

It defined the Freemium model internally, resulting in the upselling of multi-licence customers from Free to Enterprise

Lightning reports whiteboard

Planning: Plenty of strategy and planning on the worlds filthiest whiteboard. (we used to call them Greyboard sessions)

Flash Gordon Ship

The inspiration for the lightning came from the original Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon movies from the 1930’s.