M&G Investments

M&G were well known as a trusted and well established brand. Their logo was fairly new at the time, the rational behind it was the M and G were the solid pillars of dependancy and the ampersand stood for expression and creativity.

Joshua G2 logo
M&G Main banner image
M&G Main banner image

M&G Investments

M&G were well known as a trusted and well established brand. Their logo was fairly new at the time, the rational behind it was the M and G were the solid pillars of dependancy and the ampersand stood for expression and creativity.

Joshua G2 logo

My creative partner and I were responsible fo the communications for various M&G funds. We created integrated campaigns across digital, print, outdoor and digital outdoor. All digital concepts and production were homepage takeovers.

As a result of the campaigns, brand awareness went through the roof, traffic to the website increased by over 2000% and service uptake rose exponentially

M&G DPS print ad.

Double page spread visual for Global Dividend Fund press ad.

M&G Outdoor

Outdoor for the Cautious Multi Asset Fund.

M&G press ad

Full page press ad for the Cautious Multi Asset Fund.

The Team

Jess Little

Peter Denmark

The Channels

Online advertising
Digital Outdoor


Financial services is a fiercely competitive market – there are a lot of contenders with similar products in a very small space. M&G needed to improve their sales by adopting a creative vehicle with genuine appeal that would distinguish them from the rest.


​We came up with a look and feel unlike that of any competitors. It featured the ampersand from M&G’s logo, to exploit the company’s extensive brand equity, and acted as a springboard for creative, flexible messaging that had a hugely positive impact on sales and awareness.​

M&G scamp

Scamps and concepts for the Global Dividend Fund.

M&G scamp

Scamps and concepts for the Global Dividend Fund.

M&G Sky Scamp

Scamps and concepts for the Global Dividend Fund.

M&G Charities

Colour visual for the M&G Charities Fund.